Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jasmine's advice on typical relationship questions

Relationships can be confusing and people that I know ask me to provide them with some insight due to my previous relationship experience. Here is my advice on four relationship questions and I hope that they help you too.

1. Can you be friends with an ex boyfriend?
Being friends with an ex boyfriend can be hard especially if you were dating for years and the breakup was tough, but yes you can. Being friends with an ex is something that anyone can tackle with a little time apart from the person first. Now what I mean by that is that after the breakup take some time out for yourself. Get your mind together, try and just focus on you, and when you are ready then hang out with him. When you do spend time together with your ex just remember to set up boundaries that can not be crossed (pretty much so that way any kissing that you did with him or other intimate things don't happen again).

2.Is it a great idea to do the friends with benefits thing with someone that really likes me, but I don't like them?
Being friends with benefits is not a great idea because of the simple fact that you are leading someone on and playing with their emotions. If someone likes you a lot and you don't feel the same way, then just let them know. Friends with benefits is very typical in high school and it makes a girl or women's confidence go down the drain when it comes to men. In high school I have seen a ton of girls get hurt by guys because they led them on and its not cool in any way shape or form. Don't be like the old Chuck Bass from "Gossip Girl".
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3. Why did the romance begin to disappear in my relationship?
Romance is something that happens in the beginning of a relationship, but when people get so caught up with work and other responsibilities, it is normal for it to begin to disappear. In order to get that romance back though, you need to try and suggest to your partner that you would like to go on a quick date. Everyone has their own definition of romance, but if he or she has a busy schedule, then I suggest you ask for a lunch or dinner date. Something small and simple that can give you both a little bonding moment. 

4. Is it okay to date someone right after a breakup?
Dating after a breakup is normal, but you should not rush into it. Give yourself some time to fully move on from the breakup. You don't want to date someone so they can just be a rebound. You want to date someone that you really like and if you rush into it and choose anyone under the sun, you will have a miserable time with that person. Give it time and then get back out there. Believe me time to heal will make your dating experience much better and smoother. 
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If you have any relationship questions that you would like to ask me, feel free to comment on my blog. I will be more then willing to answer them. 

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