Monday, June 2, 2014

Five beneficial tips on how to study for big exams

While you are continuing your education, there is one thing that teachers, or professors constantly give their students and that is exams. Exams can be either easy, or difficult depending on the course you are taking. Here are five tips or techniques that helped me when it became time to study for a big test like a midterm, or final.

1. Take thorough notes in your class lectures so you can have it when you study for your exam
Taking notes in classes is very important so you can keep track of everything that your professor taught on a specific day. Lecture notes also help because they break down the chapters of your textbook.

2. Highlight important content in your textbook
Highlighting important content in your textbook is a great tool for remembering content from each chapter so you can ask, or answer questions the next day of classes. It is also important because professors will ask questions on exams based on some of the chapter content from your textbook.

3. Form a study group, or invite your friends over so you can study together for exams

If you are having trouble with some of the content in your class, reach out to a classmate so they can help you understand the material. If you have an exam review (which most professors give you), you can work on it together with the person in your group and it will help the both of you score high on your exams.

4. Make sure that you find a peaceful place to study
In order to make sure you have no distractions while preparing for an exam, find a quiet or peaceful place to study. Two places that I found great to study in while I was attending college, was the Starbucks Cafe and Library. Now you are probably thinking that Starbucks is probably a loud environment, but it was actually pretty mellow and I was able to get a lot done while studying in the cafe.

5. Make sure that you take breaks
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In order to keep your mind from going crazy with all the material that you have to cover for an exam, make sure that you take breaks once in awhile during your studying session. When I took breaks during my studying sessions I would drink an ice coffee, particularly Vanilla flavor (from Starbucks), I would eat a bagel, and just listen to some music to get me back into a non stressful energetic mode. Trust me this definitely works!

I hope you keep these tips in mind while studying for exams in school and I hope they help you as much as they did for me!

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